Saturday, 18 June 2011

Smart Lifestyle - A New Beginning

You want a new lifestyle. And you know you have to plan for it. Create it. When you realize how much power there is in your thoughts - your mind - you will begin opening up doors to endless possibilities.

No one else can do this for you. You alone have the power to change your life and create the circumstances where you will blossom. Your new lifestyle is within reach. You can create it. Let me show you how.
Where you go from here:
1. Love yourself

This is where we all have to start. If you love yourself you have the foundation to proceed and step up to the next level. If you suspect that maybe you don't love yourself enough - please don't skip this step! It's essential and vitally important! And even if you do love yourself - come back here now and then to make sure you keep your self love alive. This is fundamental - I cannot underline it enough!
In the process of learning to love yourself are also included a number of other important steps. These are:
  • Self healing
  • Know yourself
  • Improve your self-esteem
  • Love others
  • Fogive (yourself and others)
  • Gratitude
You may need healing to be able to love yourself, you must know yourself in order to be able to love yourself, you need to improve your self-esteem so that you can love yourself. When you love yourself you can also love others, you can forgive others and yourself, and you will start feeling gratitude for everything that you are and have in your life.
To really succeed in creating your desired new lifestyle, you cannot skip these steps. To many of us, these can be the most difficult steps, because we are so used to diminishing ourselves, and we don't realize how important it is to express love to ourselves. It seems awkward and we have not been taught to do that. But as soon as we start living this way, it will change everything.
So how do you love yourself? Well, how do you love someone else? You try to make them happy. So, think of what would make you happy. Create situations and do things that you enjoy. Be a caring person to yourself! Be kind to yourself! Treat yourself well. What would you do if someone spoke ill of somebody you loved? You would rise up and defend that person you hold dear. But when you say something diminishing or negative about yourself - it seems to be OK. Now stop yourself every time you do that. Instead, start saying nice and positive things about yourself, often! Even if you don't believe in what you are saying. Keep saying it again and again and eventually you will start to believe it. That is self-love. And until you do love yourself you cannot love anyone else completely.

Tools to use for this:

I recommend hypnosis to help you find the feelings of love and self worth that you need. In this process that you have started, it is important to create an environment of happiness, joy and warmth. Reading uplifting and encouraging books, watching movies that touch your heart, playing, singing and listening to music can be strong enticers that can help you live in an atmosphere of self love. Positive affirmations are also very useful tools.
Work on your personal development and growth. Choose the tools that fit you best in your current situation. Here below are my warmest recommendations which I personally have tried and found helpful. I only choose the best programs and the top companies to cooperate with, because they have been around a long time, and they know what works and what doesn't.

2. Find your passion
Now it's time to move on to step 2.
Why is your passion so important?
Happiness and passion helps you grow. Not until you are clear about what your passions are will you be able to create the life of your dreams by setting the goals that are right for you. Follow your heart and find your true passion.

Do what you love and feel good! Brain research has proved that strong positive feelings improve our ability to form new connections in the brain. It is a fact. Happy feelings also reinforce the process of manifesting thoughts into reality, according to the law of attraction.
So before you start setting your personal goals: be clear of what your passions are and follow them, live them. It will make the next step so much easier and more efficient.

3. Set Goals
So now it's time to set some goals.
"Until thought is linked with purpose there is no intelligent accomplishment." - As A Man Thinketh
James Allen tells us on this subject that, "They who have no central purpose in their life fall an easy prey to worries, fears, troubles, and self-pity."
According to most experts, it’s not only important to have written goals, but you must have a plan to reach your goals.

Tools to use for this:

There are a great number of tools you can use in the process of setting goals for your future success. Among the most valuable and proven to work are affirmations, visualisations and vision boards. The most important thing to do is first of all stop negative thinking. You already worked on that in step 1 - Love Yourself, but there is always work to do here. Make it a habit of feeling good! Get rid of your negative thoughts and feelings - this will skyrocket your results.

4. Believe
Step 4 in the five step process to create a new lifestyle.
Changes will come only when you believe they will. And let's face it, most of us do not believe in our biggest dreams. So we have a problem here. How can we learn to believe it?
First of all: Why is it all that important to believe? Answer: We all have beliefs and thought patterns that dominate our thinking. Our beliefs determine what we can do and what we cannot do in life. These beliefs confine and limit us if there is something we really want in life, but we believe that it is not possible, or that we are not worthy of such a life that we dream of.
According to new brain research, it takes between 21 and 30 days for the brain to change your beliefs. This, of course, does not happen by itself. It happens when you have applied this formula often enough:
  • Repetition
  • Habit
  • Belief
When you want to make a certain change in what you believe in, in order to change some area of your life, you can use this formula, and if you stick with it for 21-30 days you will most likely notice a difference in the way you think about this issue.
In the process of building new beliefs, there is one more thing that is of great importance. That is gratitude.


Feelings of gratitude can speed up the process and make things happen much quicker. Happiness and thankfulness are powerful tools to make lasting changes. When you start to practise them you will soon be filled with more positive energy, and it becomes easier to believe.


When things start to happen around you, it's important to be able to receive. Be open to the circumstances and people around you. Receiving is as important as giving. Give to others, not just physical things, but also give your time, your attention, a smile, love and care, interest in another person. Ask yourself how you can be of help to someone. What you give you will get back, in one way or another.

You have to repeat and maintain these four steps over and over. Make it your lifestyle. Live it - and you will see your life changed in many positive ways.

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